Vertigo, Dizzy, DizzinessBenign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is a condition that results in sudden dizziness. Episodes can be brief and mild but also may be extreme and debilitating at times.

Symptoms of BPPV

When someone has BPPV, any of the following symptoms are possible:

  • The feeling that the world around you is spinning
  • Difficulty maintaining balance
  • Lightheadedness
  • A lack of steadiness
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Blurry Vision
To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and vertigo download our complimentary e-book How to Naturally Relieve Vertigo without Drugs by clicking the image below. Honolulu vertigo specialist

What triggers an episode of vertigo? This varies from case to case. However, head position is one common factor. The vestibular system – how the body balances itself and determines its location in a given setting – includes the inner ear and the Eustachian tubes. A malfunctioning vestibular system can provide the brain with faulty information about the position or movement of the body. The result is vertigo.

Doctors can only determine the cause of vertigo for about half of their patients. Usually, the cause ends up being a major, or even minor, head trauma. On the other hand, upper cervical chiropractors have been working at relieving the underlying cause of vertigo for years.


The Next Step in Finding BPPV Relief

In Honolulu, Hawaii, vertigo expert Dr. Joe Breuwet provides consultations to determine if the upper cervical spine is misaligned. These two vertebrae, the C1 and C2, are very important since they serve to protect the brainstem. The brainstem plays a vital role in the vestibular system.

Because of this, a misalignment of the C1 and C2 (called a subluxation) may be the root cause of vertigo for many people. In fact, a study performed in 2006 revealed that all 60 patients involved either had their condition improved or completely alleviated through upper cervical chiropractic adjustments. In fact, one of the patients who had dealt with vertigo for 37 years was completely cured in just one month!1  Is upper cervical subluxation causing your vertigo? The only way to find out is to get a consultation from an upper cervical chiropractor. If a misalignment is the culprit, you are on your way to fixing the problem instead of merely relieving the symptoms.


  1. Elster E, Sixty patients with chronic vertigo undergoing upper cervical chiropractic care to correct vertebral subluxation: A retrospective analysis. J Vert Sublux Res 2006; Nov:1-9.


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