Upper Cervical Hawaii

Can Nerve Compression Cause Dizziness?

dizziness, nerve compressions, pinched nerves relief in Honolulu

Are you experiencing dizziness and headaches? Do you feel like you’re constantly off-balanced? If so, you likely have a pinched nerve in your neck. Neck pain is a widespread health problem in the world, but it can lead to serious health issues if not addressed early on. This article explores what causes nerve compression in the neck, as well as some of the best forms of pinched nerves relief in Honolulu.


What is a pinched nerve?

A pinched nerve is a common problem that can lead to dizziness. It occurs when pressure on the

nerve causes it to become inflamed or swollen, which in turn causes pain and discomfort. A pinched nerve can happen anywhere in a person’s body, but they’re often found in the neck area because of the unique structure and design of the C1 and C2 bones. 

Pinched nerves can be caused by a myriad of factors, including:

A pinched nerve in the neck may lead to dizziness and other severe symptoms. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it would be wise to seek medical attention right away. A doctor must perform a thorough examination to locate irritated or compressed nerve roots and determine the most appropriate method of pinched nerves relief in Honolulu!

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and vertigo download our complimentary e-book How to Naturally Relieve Vertigo without Drugs by clicking the image below.

Telltale signs of Pinched Nerve in the Neck

Here are some of the usual signs you can watch out for if you’ve been experiencing recurring pain in your neck:


Natural Techniques for Dizziness and Pinched Nerves Relief in Honolulu

If you’re suffering from a pinched nerve, then you know that it can be quite a painful thing to experience. While some people manage the pain alone, many others need to seek medical attention to be pain-free again and return to their regular lives.

There are many different natural pinched nerve relief techniques and approaches that you can try at home before turning to conventional medicine or alternative care. If your symptoms are severe or are not improving over time, it’s always best to speak with your doctor before trying anything new.

Here are some natural pinched nerve relief techniques that have worked well for many people:

If you’ve tried all these methods, but your neck pain and dizziness persist, perhaps it’s time to try the most effective form of natural pinched nerves relief in Honolulu – upper cervical chiropractic care.

How Chiropractic Care Works for Dizziness

The human body is a complex machine, and one of its most critical parts is the spinal column. Your spine is made up of several vertebrae, which protect your spinal cord and provide support for your body’s movements. The spine needs to be in alignment for it to function as it should. When something goes wrong with this alignment, it can cause a myriad of problems in other areas of the body—dizziness is one of them.

Dizziness can be due to many things, including pinched nerves in your neck. When these nerves become pinched or irritated due to misalignment, they send incorrect signals to your brain about how you’re moving or feeling. This can lead to symptoms like dizziness and vertigo.

Upper cervical chiropractic care focuses on adjusting the upper four vertebrae of the neck, so they are adequately aligned again. When these bones are out of place, they can put enormous pressure on the nerves running through them and cause them to misfire or become pinched or irritated. Sometimes, this can lead to serious health issues like strokes or heart attacks if left untreated.


Schedule Your Visit at Upper Cervical Hawaii, LLC

If you think you have a pinched, irritated or compressed nerve in your neck causing you frequent dizziness, it’s essential to seek help immediately. If you are in the paradise of Honolulu, then you are in great luck! You can visit Upper Cervical Hawaii, LLC, the most sought-after chiropractic clinic in the city. With Dr. Joe Breuwet as our lead chiropractor, you are sure to be in good hands, and your pain and frequent dizziness to be out of your life in no time! 

You can book your appointment with Dr. Breuwet by simply calling 808-201-1324. The clinic is open five days a week, and you can check their full clinic schedule on our website.


To schedule a consultation call 808-201-1324 or simply click the button below. If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.
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