“Prevention is better than cure.” The saying may sound like a broken record to you, but it speaks the whole truth when it comes to back pain. As a low back pain chiropractor in Honolulu, Dr. Joe highly recommends you genuinely embody the statement’s message. 

Different prevention techniques do not guarantee a 100% success rate, but there’s one thing we know for sure—switching your lousy back habits to spine-friendly routines can help you cultivate a healthier back.

What lifestyle changes can you make to prevent or keep back pain up to a minimum level?

#1. Eating Right 

Eating healthy foods is one of the keys to achieving solid bones. Keeping the bones in your spine, shoulder, and hips strong can keep you from getting back pain. So, start tossing the junk foods in your pantry. It’s about time to replace them with foods rich in Vitamin D and Calcium. 

Foods rich in Vitamin D

  • Cheese
  • Fatty fish like salmon and tuna
  • Egg yolks
  • Mushrooms

Calcium-rich foods

  • Cheese
  • Milk
  • Yogurt
  • Beans
  • Almonds

Aside from eating foods that are good for your bones, you should also consume healthy foods for your nerves. We are talking about magnesium-rich foods such as whole grains, bananas, and nuts.

Exercises and supplements may help improve your spine’s health, but nonetheless, a healthy diet could significantly take your overall health to the next level.

#2. Sleeping Smarter

We all love how our beds free our bodies from the pain of the day. However, sleeping could also cause us more stress than we could ever imaginewhen we do it the wrong way. 

So, what’s the best sleep position to avoid waking up with back pain? 

Sleeping on your side and back is known for keeping you pain-free. However, you need to ensure that your neck, head, and back are well-supported using pillows as you lie down. 

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and low back pain download our complimentary e-book Natural and Drug-Free Ways to End your Back Pain and Sciatica by clicking the image below.

#3. Back Stretching

One of the best practices that you can do to prevent having back pain is stretching.

  1. Stretching can help decrease stiffness and tension in your muscles.
  2. It can improve the circulation of blood to your neck, back, and hips.
  3. A simple stretch can relieve the strains on your back that occur due to inactivity.

#4. Exercise

A lot of people are hyped to follow some workout challenges, so much so that a toned stomach became the new goal. Fortunately, having a solid tummy provides you with more benefits than just appearance. It helps protect your back and keep your muscles extra strong. In addition, it can also help you handle more vigorous physical activities.

Here’s a list of exercises that you can perform to strengthen your core:

  • Plank – this exercise may look easy, but it’s a challenge for beginners. However, it’s one of the best exercises to improve your core. It would be best if you include this exercise at the beginning of your core-strengthening journey.
  • Crunches – one of the easiest exercises to perform to help build your muscles. Also, this is an ideal movement to strengthen your obliques and lower back muscles. When you do this right, you’d surely see an improvement in your balance and posture. 
  • Bridges – an excellent exercise to include in your workout routine. Bridges target your legs, glutes, and posterior chain. This exercise can help you develop and maintain proper posture. Therefore, it can help you in preventing back pain.

#5. Quitting Smoking 

study revealed a link between pain and smoking. The researchers pointed out that smokers are more likely to feel long-term suffering than those who don’t. Smoking is also known to cause a painful impact on the back. So, if you smoke, it’s better to quit for good. 

Benefits of quitting cigarette smoking:

  • Helps improve your overall health
  • Decreases the severity of your pain
  • Reduces your chances of developing back pain and lung cancer

#6. Improving Posture

As a low back pain chiropractor in Honolulu, Dr. Joe hears our patients blame their bad posture for their back pain. This may not be the case for everyone, but it is still best to maintain a healthy posture. This coping tip is essential, especially if your daily routine involves a lot of repetitive activities.

Examples of repetitive movements include:

  • Sitting on your desk for hours
  • Using your gadgets for an extended period
  • Carrying and lifting heavy loads

So, how do you start correcting your bad posture? Here are ways on how you can get rid of your slouching habit:

  1. Stand straight and tall
  2. Sit up straight
  3. When choosing a chair, make sure that you use one that can allow your feet to be firmly placed against the floor.
  4. Take advantage of the back of the chair for support
  5. Pay attention to the position of your head. Avoid putting your head and chin forward.


Bonus Tip: See a Low Back Pain Chiropractor in Honolulu

Back pain is a common sign of neck misalignments. Even the slightest movement of your C1 vertebra can cause pain anywhere in your body, such as your back. In fact, backache is one of the leading reasons why patients seek the help of a low back pain chiropractor in Honolulu

Dr. Joe, our trusted and licensed low back pain chiropractor in Honolulu, is ready to help you. His expertise in the NUCCA chiropractic technique can help restore your back’s total health and function. You can see here some of the testimonials of our patients. 

Upper Cervical Hawaii is ready to provide you with the care you need. So, visit us. You may schedule an appointment here. One of our staff will reply to you once we receive your message. 


To schedule a consultation call 808-201-1324 or simply click the button below. If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.