Upper Cervical Hawaii

Low Back Pain Relief in Honolulu, HI: A Story of Hope & Healing

low back pain relief in Honolulu HI, Low back pain chiropractor Honolulu, chiropractor for low back pain in Honolulu, Chiropractic Honolulu, Chiropractic Doctor Honolulu

Have you spent years battling relentless low back pain? Have you tried every treatment imaginable, from medication to injections, with little to no relief? Has the looming threat of surgery left you feeling hopeless and defeated?

If you’re nodding along, then you’re not alone. For 16 long years, our patient August lived in agony, her life dictated by the constant ache in her lower back and the sharp sting of sciatica. She couldn’t walk, sit, or even stand for long periods without excruciating pain and muscle spasms. Epidural injections only worsened her condition, and surgery seemed like the only option left.

Then, she found a remedy that helped her unlock significant low back pain relief in Honolulu HI. And she was beyond surprised after discovering that the root of her pain wasn’t in her lower back at all. Read on as we share her inspiring story of hope and healing with our low back pain chiropractor in Honolulu.


Key Takeaways:



A Turning Point: August’s Amazing Recovery from Chronic Low Back Pain

The alarm clock jars you awake, but the first sensation you register isn’t the sound; it’s the familiar ache in your lower back. As you slowly rise from bed, each movement sends a jolt of pain through your body. You’ve learned to live with it, but it’s a constant companion, a shadow that follows you throughout your day.

Your morning routine becomes a carefully choreographed dance, each step calculated to minimize discomfort. You reach for the pain relievers, a temporary mask for the throbbing ache. Simple tasks become difficult challenges as you try to go about your day. Bending over to tie your shoes sends a shooting pain down your leg. Sitting at your desk for too long leaves you stiff and sore. Even the simple act of standing becomes an endurance test.

But you’re not alone. August, one of our patients here in Honolulu knew your struggle all too well. For 16 years, she endured the same relentless pain, the same limitations, the same growing sense of despair. She had tried everything, from physical therapy to epidural injections, with only temporary relief. The prospect of surgery loomed large, a terrifying last resort.

Yet, fate intervened. August’s daughter, having heard about the success of Upper Cervical Care, encouraged her to try it. With nothing left to lose and a flicker of hope rekindled, August made an appointment with Dr. Breuwet at Upper Cervical Hawaii. 

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and low back pain download our complimentary e-book Natural and Drug-Free Ways to End your Back Pain and Sciatica by clicking the image below.

Understanding Atlas Subluxation: The Hidden Root of Your Pain

What August discovered was that the root of her pain wasn’t in her lower back at all. Instead, it stemmed from a subtle misalignment at the top of her spine, a condition known as atlas subluxation.

The atlas, the topmost vertebra in your spine, is responsible for supporting the weight of your head – akin to a bowling ball balancing on a golf tee. Even a slight misalignment of this vital bone can trigger a chain reaction of dysfunction throughout your body. This misalignment, known as an atlas subluxation, can disrupt the delicate balance of your spine and nervous system.

Think of it like a pebble thrown into a pond. The initial impact creates ripples that spread outward, affecting the entire body of water. Similarly, an atlas subluxation can create a cascade of problems that extend far beyond the neck.

Here’s how this seemingly small misalignment can wreak havoc on your health:

Nerve Compression

The atlas surrounds the brainstem, a critical junction where nerves branch out to control various bodily functions. A misalignment can compress these nerves, disrupting their communication and leading to pain, numbness, tingling, and even organ dysfunction.

Muscle Imbalance and Tension

Your body is a master compensator. When the atlas is misaligned, muscles throughout your spine and body tighten and contract in an attempt to maintain balance. This chronic muscle tension can manifest as pain, stiffness, and reduced range of motion.

Reduced Blood Flow

The vertebral arteries, which supply blood to your brainstem and cerebellum, pass through the atlas. A misalignment can impede blood flow, potentially leading to headaches, dizziness, fatigue, and even cognitive difficulties.

Referred Pain

The intricate network of nerves in your body means that pain signals can sometimes be misinterpreted. An atlas subluxation can trigger pain that radiates to seemingly unrelated areas, such as the lower back, hips, or legs – a phenomenon known as referred pain.

In August’s case, the misalignment of her atlas was the underlying cause of her debilitating low back pain and sciatica. It wasn’t until this misalignment was corrected through Upper Cervical Care that she finally found lasting relief.


August’s Transformation with a Chiropractic Doctor in Honolulu 

August’s initial skepticism quickly faded as she began her journey with Upper Cervical Care. Dr. Breuwet’s gentle and precise adjustments to her atlas brought about a transformation she had never dared to dream of.

The pain that had plagued her for 16 long years began to fade. The numbness and tingling in her legs subsided, replaced by a newfound sense of freedom. She could move quickly, sleep through the night, and rediscover the joys of everyday life.

August’s story isn’t just a testament to the power of Upper Cervical Care, it’s a beacon of hope for anyone struggling with chronic pain. It shows that even the most persistent, debilitating pain can be resolved by addressing the root cause, not just masking the symptoms.

August describes her experience as “a complete, total turnaround.”  The pain that had held her captive for so long was finally gone, and a new chapter of her life had begun.


Take the First Step Towards a Pain-Free Life: Try Upper Cervical Chiropractic in Honolulu

If you’re struggling with chronic low back pain, August’s story offers a beacon of hope. Your pain shouldn’t be a life sentence. By seeking Upper Cervical Care in Honolulu, Hawaii, you could potentially unlock the door to lasting relief and reclaim the life you thought was lost.

The first step is a thorough examination. Our chiropractor for low back pain in Honolulu utilize advanced techniques to obtain precise measurements needed to pinpoint any misalignments in your upper neck. This personalized approach ensures that your care plan is tailored to your needs.

Gentle adjustments to your atlas can restore proper alignment and function to your nervous system. By addressing the root cause of your pain, rather than just masking the symptoms, Upper Cervical Care can offer lasting relief and improve your overall quality of life. 

We encourage you to book your appointment with Dr. Breuwet today to learn how we can help you unlock low back pain relief in Honolulu HI.

FAQs on: Atlas Adjustment for Low Back Pain Relief in Honolulu HI

What is the connection between atlas subluxation and low back pain?

While it might seem counterintuitive, a misalignment of the atlas (the top bone in your neck) can significantly impact your lower back. The atlas plays a crucial role in maintaining proper spinal alignment and nerve function. When it’s out of alignment, it can trigger a chain reaction of muscle tension, nerve irritation, and altered biomechanics that can manifest as pain in seemingly unrelated areas, including the lower back.

How can Upper Cervical Chiropractic in Honolulu help with low back pain caused by atlas subluxation?

Upper Cervical Chiropractic in Honolulu focuses on correcting the misalignment of the atlas through gentle and precise adjustments. By restoring proper alignment, nerve function improves, muscle tension decreases, and the body’s natural healing processes are activated. This can lead to a significant reduction in low back pain and other related symptoms.

Is there research to support the link between atlas subluxation and low back pain?

Yes, research suggests a strong connection between atlas subluxation and various pain syndromes, including low back pain. Studies have shown that correcting atlas misalignments can lead to positive outcomes for individuals suffering from chronic low back pain.

What are the signs that my lower back pain might be caused by an atlas subluxation?

If you’ve tried traditional treatments for low back pain with limited success, it’s worth considering an atlas subluxation as a potential cause. Other signs can include neck pain, headaches, dizziness, or a history of head or neck injuries. A thorough examination by an Upper Cervical chiropractor can help determine if an atlas subluxation is contributing to your pain.

What can I expect during an Upper Cervical evaluation for low back pain?

During an evaluation with a chiropractor for low back pain in Honolulu, you should expect a comprehensive assessment, including a detailed discussion of your medical history, a physical examination focusing on your neck and spine, and potentially imaging studies like X-rays. This will help determine if an atlas subluxation is present and contributing to your lower back pain.


To schedule a consultation call 808-201-1324 or simply click the button below. If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.
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