Chiropractor in Honolulu Explains Pinched Nerve, Headaches and Neck Pain

Headaches and neck pain caused by a compressed nerve can be frustrating to deal with, especially when they keep coming back. Discover how you can manage both health concerns as our Chiropractor in Honolulu explains their connection with Upper Cervical spine misalignments. Upper Cervical Hawaii is ready to provide you with the care you need [...]

2023-04-18T05:04:34+00:00April 16th, 2023|Pinched Nerve|

Can a Chiropractor Fix a Pinched Nerve?

Often, we encounter a lot of patients asking us, “can a chiropractor fix a pinched nerve?” and “how does upper cervical chiropractic care help with a compressed nerve?”. With the several incapacitating effects of a pinched nerve, it’s no wonder why many people feel desperate to tap into the most promising options they can find.  [...]

2023-10-26T13:32:51+00:00March 14th, 2021|Pinched Nerve|
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