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<p>From Pain to Stability: How Upper Cervical Hawaii Made a Difference</p>
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From Pain to Stability: How Upper Cervical Hawaii Made a Difference

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<p>Finding Relief from Jiu-Jitsu Pain with Gentle Upper Cervical Care in Honolulu</p>
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Finding Relief from Jiu-Jitsu Pain with Gentle Upper Cervical Care in Honolulu

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<p>Honolulu Chiropractic Doctor Offers Real Relief for Chronic Pain</p>
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Honolulu Chiropractic Doctor Offers Real Relief for Chronic Pain

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<p>How Upper Cervical Care in Honolulu Eased Chronic Neck and Back Discomfort</p>
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How Upper Cervical Care in Honolulu Eased Chronic Neck and Back Discomfort

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<p>Finding Relief from Stroke-Like Symptoms with Upper Cervical Care in Honolulu</p>
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Finding Relief from Stroke-Like Symptoms with Upper Cervical Care in Honolulu

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<p>Breaking Free from 30 Years of Migraines with Upper Cervical Care in Honolulu</p>
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Breaking Free from 30 Years of Migraines with Upper Cervical Care in Honolulu

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Ty T

My treatments with Dr. Breuwet have improved my posture and range of motion, allowing my body to return to its natural state of health. The tension in my neck and upper back that I have carried for a long time have dissipated, and I feel a lot more balanced and comfortable in my daily activities.

Ty T

Jan G

Staff and doctor were very nice and professional. But unfortunately my medical insurance don’t cover your serviced. And I currently have a house in escrow and don’t have the funds to come in for much needed service at this time. Thank you

Jan G

July 10, 2015

Very helpful and pleasant experience!

July 10, 2015

July 9, 2015

It’s always a pleasure to be in the office and I do feel my back, neck and shoulder are doing much better than before. So glad I found your kind of chiropractic adjustment!

July 9, 2015

JoAnn L

I was pleased that it helped my knee so I can do my yoga exercises.

JoAnn L

July 1, 2015

As always Dr Joe and his staff treat me very well. Very warm and professional I definitely would recommend this doctor

July 1, 2015

July 8, 2015

I enjoy my visits with Dr. Joe!

July 8, 2015

Leslie M

Dr. Joe is amazing, his process seems so simple but is very effective. Besides that he is a great guy and a pleasure to work and chat with

Leslie M

July 12, 2015

Very friendly, informative, and efficient

July 12, 2015

July 13, 2015

I always feel welcomed.

July 13, 2015

Ray S

I appreciated the care in educating me about upper cervical treatment. I had very high expectations because of hearing and reading Dr. Drury’s book. I was not disappointed in my results. I was blessed with immediate results which encourged me to continue to the end of what was recommended. Everyone is has a caring attitude. Positive attitudes with a confidence that whoever steps into the office will be healed to a certain extent. Everyone should be checked for a misalignment here! Result? YES,

Ray S

Donna Y

I’m feeling better and really believe in this.

Donna Y

July 11, 2015

I was very skeptical at first but now I am a 100% believer. Best part is that I now know and can identify when my body goes out of alignment. Always recommend Dr.Joe and refer when possible. Thanks Dr. Joell

July 11, 2015

Mary D

I found Dr. Joe Breuwet at Upper Cervical Hawaii, LLC, through a referral. I’ve always believed that problems with the spine originate in the cervical area. Dr. Breuwet listens and understands as I relate my on-going problems. He’s personable, professional, and seems to absorb every word I say. I consider my problem unique and severe. After the first treatment, I felt relief. After several more treatments, I know this is one doctor that I will stay with. I am fortunate indeed to have found him.

Mary D

July 2, 2015

Love Dr. Joe

July 2, 2015

Carol H

Had lower back pain for years. Dr. Breuwet has realigned my back and I feel great! I return to his office for periodic realignment adjustments but other than that, it’s as though I never had a back problem. Thank you, Dr. Breuwet. Five stars!!

Carol H

Irene K

Wonderful immediate relief. Dr. Joe has great gentle touch and it really works. Would recommend highly

Irene K

April 3, 2019

I suffered with hip pain for several years. I found Dr. Joe on the internet after 4 treatments was pain free. It has been just about 5years now and the pain has never returned. I contiune to do check ups annually. The results with the Upper Cervical treatment is unbelievably, if you suffer with pain see Dr. Joe Dave Z

April 3, 2019

Nancy G

I loved the office and the staff and doctors. I was disappointed that I was unable to continue because I needed radiation to my head. Although, I understand that radiation is very limited, I explained that I have had more than 1200 basal cell carcinomas removed from my face. I am predisposed to facial skin cancer because of extensive radiation therapy for acne as a teenager and try to limit additional exposure when possible

Nancy G

Kim K


Kim K

Shannon P

Joe was great loved every visit and he is a great and friendly person

Shannon P

Mary M

I had a good experience with Upper Cervical Hawaii staff and with Dr. Joe. Unfortunately, I have had health issues over the past few months which have precluded me from being able to keep up with my visits.

Mary M

June 26, 2019

A great alternative to relieving pain due to a pinched nerve. By having my upper cervical corrected, I avoid a lifetime of pain medications.

June 26, 2019

Linda K

Dr. Joe is phenomenal! Though often very subtle, my visits result in general wellbeing. Staff is efficient. Office generously shares educational material via video and printed material. Thank you!

Linda K

Joanne Y

I think the Upper Cervical is great. Before I went to see Dr. Joe I was having excruciating pain in my neck and shoulders. But after my first adjustment the pain is completely gone. My shoulders used to feel tight too but not anymore. It also helped my acid reflux. It also helped my son too. He had the mumps in his adulthood which will make you sterile. But after several adjustments he and his wife became pregnant. They now have a healthy and happy one year son. I also advised my boyfriend to see Dr. Joe and he said his ringing in his ear stopped. My son also has diabetes and said that the Upper Cervical helps to control his sugar. I would recommend Upper Cervical to anyone. By the way the adjustments are painless and very minimal.

Joanne Y

Ann K

very healing and comfortable

Ann K

July 1, 2015

Dr. Breuwet has been such a great facilitator of my body healing itself. I have become much healthier and energetic in a way I never have expectedit’s so amazing what our bodies can do for itself if kept in correct alignment.

July 1, 2015

July 13, 2015

I feel good every time I get my treatment. It’s just so happen I have to go back to the mainland for a while but I will visit your office every time I will be in Hawaii.

July 13, 2015

Connie B

I believe the regular, preventive treatment has made a difference in my well-being. It makes me more aware of my posture, and how I sit at work.

Connie B

Randall H

loved the visits saving money right now

Randall H

Bill M

Very professional, it would be nice to have an xray machine available, so new clients could have a one stop shop. Dr. Joe was a life changer for me.

Bill M

To schedule a consultation call 808-201-1324 or simply click the button below.

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