Upper Cervical Hawaii

Why Are Male Smokers More Prone to Meniere’s Disease?

meniere's disease, smoking, natural relief for vertigo in Honolulu

Are you a man who frequently experiences bouts of spinning sensations due to Meniere’s? Have your symptoms begun to take control of everything about you, from your efforts to enjoying work-life balance, engaging in your favorite sports and hobbies, or even relationships? 

If you are a male Meniere’s disease patient, then you ought to know a few things about your condition. For starters, did you know that Meniere’s symptoms can worsen if you’re a chain-smoker? Let’s help you get lasting natural relief for vertigo in Honolulu with the help of our quick blog post.


Male Smoking and Meniere’s Disease

Vertigo episodes can be terrifying and dangerous, especially if you’re a man who leads a lifestyle that requires a lot of moving around. This could include carrying around heavy machinery, spending weekends on physically taxing activities, or getting frequently injured in the neck and head due to occupational hazards or accidents.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and vertigo download our complimentary e-book How to Naturally Relieve Vertigo without Drugs by clicking the image below.

Notably, the spinning sensations can stem from several things, including Meniere’s—a condition quite common among male smokers. 

Besides vertigo, Meniere’s can also set off other equally debilitating symptoms like tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and temporary loss of hearing ability. Researchers believe smoking can increase risks for Meniere’s because of the following:

Get Your Life Back on Track: Enjoy Natural Relief for Vertigo In Honolulu Today!

Don’t let vertigo and Meniere’s Disease forever hold you back from enjoying what life has to offer. Try our source of natural relief for vertigo in Honolulu so you can begin gradually improving your hearing and sense of balance. Upper Cervical Care is the best option you can try. 

It works so well for a lot of people diagnosed with Meniere’s. It’s also a must-try option for individuals who have a long history of whiplash, concussions, traumatic brain injuries or other forms of neck and head trauma. The main mechanism of this technique hinges on the fact that the neck holds some of the most delicate structures of the body like the brainstem and several cranial nerves. 

Left compromised because of neck and head trauma, the bones in this area called the C1 and C2 fail to do their job and wreak havoc on your health through problems like vertigo episodes, headaches, nerve compression, and more. 

If you’ve exhausted every possible option for vertigo or Meniere’s relief and invested so much money, time and effort in your crusade to restore balance in your body, why not schedule an appointment with Dr. Breuwet of Upper Cervical Hawaii?

With a proven track record of helping those suffering from Meniere’s disease, vertigo, and other health issues, Dr. Breuwet is a trusted and credible Upper Cervical Chiropractor who can help you achieve lasting relief. So don’t wait. Book your appointment today and start your journey toward a healthier, happier life!


To schedule a consultation call 808-201-1324 or simply click the button below. If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.
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