Upper Cervical Hawaii

Why Seniors Get Dizzy Spells

seniors, dizziness, Honolulu upper cervical chiropractic

Senior citizens recently got the surprise of their lives when they learned about a safe method of restoring one’s health. Honolulu upper cervical chiropractic is now recognized as a safe, all-natural relief for their dizziness.

In the past, people would simply attribute dizziness to aging. Getting older means discovering a new ache here, another ailment there.  It is as if to be old is to lose it all.  Not anymore, after people get the right information and the right kind of help for their health concerns like dizziness.

When senior citizens speak with a chiropractor, they are likely to learn that their dizziness is due to a number of reasons such as: 


1. Low Blood Sugar

Known as hypoglycemia or low blood sugar, this condition also causes dizziness. Sometimes, older people eat less and become choosy in what they consume.  Over time, they also suffer from poor nutrition, which affects their overall health. With little to no food consumed at the right time and in the right amounts, the blood sugar level can be adversely affected.

Seniors who are also diabetics have problems maintaining their blood sugar levels. At times, the sugar level can be high, and sometimes it can go too low. Extremes are not good for the health of a senior citizen.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and vertigo download our complimentary e-book How to Naturally Relieve Vertigo without Drugs by clicking the image below.

2. Side Effects from Medication

Most senior citizens take at least two to four different pills. It depends on their overall health condition and the prescriptions they have. Drug contraindications are common, so people should always follow doctors’ prescriptions and read labels of every medicine they take.  For senior citizens who live alone or do not have full-time assistants for their health care, forgetting to take their medicine on time occurs every once in a while. Chances are, they double up the dose as soon as they remember. Doing so, however, leads to some side effects, which include dizziness.

This is one reason why Honolulu upper cervical chiropractic is now popular among people with health problems, especially among those who take prescription medicine.   

3. Low Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is very crucial to health.  Having high or low blood pressure causes dizziness. Most senior citizens complain of getting very high blood pressure.  It makes them unstable, uneasy, and unable to function correctly.

4. Dehydration

Drinking too little dehydrates the body, a situation that leads to dizziness every single time.  Given that the body is supposed to be 70 percent composed of liquids, anything below that level puts the body at risk of a number of health issues.  When a person is dehydrated, all the organs of the body work extra hard. The brain also cannot get enough oxygen. Lacking oxygen, the brain experiences troubles, and its functions are affected.

5. Anemia

People who suffer from anemia have too low levels of iron in their body and, in the process, they experience dizzy spells. This is normally detected via a blood test. To address this health issue, doctors may prescribe iron supplements to meet the deficit.  Anemic people are often lethargic or lack energy, a situation that affects their daily lives.  Supplementation and a healthy diet rich in iron are needed to address the deficiency. 

6. Meniere’s Disease

Perhaps one of the most misunderstood diseases known to man, Meniere’s disease is being diagnosed more frequently than before.  This disease is said to be a triad of vertigo, tinnitus, and progressive loss of hearing. 

Vertigo is a disease that makes a person experience a spinning, dizzying sensation.  Quite literally, people with vertigo feel like the world is spinning around them. Tinnitus is a condition where a person hears a constant ringing in one or both ears. Imagine being dizzy, with ringing in the ears, and suddenly feeling like you are going deaf? Senior citizens and even younger individuals who are diagnosed with any of the three ailments will definitely feel dizzy and nauseous.

The good news is that Honolulu upper cervical chiropractic is also accepted as a viable alternative method to find relief for vertigo and tinnitus.

7. Head or Neck Injuries 

The human head is such a fragile part since it carries the brain. Without the brain, nothing in the body will function.  The head is also dependent on the neck’s stability, the part of the body that actually carries the entire weight of the brain and skull.

An injury to the head, especially those that cause trauma to the brain, is among the most common causes of long-term dizziness.  When the head and neck are bent, misaligned, or hurt seriously, the brain’s ability to function well is also hampered.


Dizziness in Elderly: What Can Bring Safe Natural Relief?

When seniors understand that these are some of the most common causes of their dizziness, they can take steps to avoid further complications. They can choose to undergo upper cervical chiropractic after understanding its role in protecting their brainstem and how signals are sent from all over their body.  The health and mobility of older adults depend on a healthy brainstem, a junction protected in the upper cervical spine region.

At Upper Cervical Hawaii, misalignments of the upper cervical spine are fixed using only precise and gentle adjustments. Essentially, the C1 (atlas) and C2 (axis) vertebrae are restored to their proper setting or position.  The restoration of the upper cervical spine’s alignment helps reduce the effects of vertigo and other ailments that cause dizziness. 

For more information or to book an appointment with our upper cervical chiropractor, visit our website at www.uppercervicalhawaii.com.


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