Upper Cervical Hawaii

Finding Help When Seizures Occur Alongside Migraines

When one has a seizure and a migraine in close proximity to each other they are generally categorized in one of two ways – migralepsy or occipital migraines. The symptoms of both of these are very much the same, making it hard to know whether a migraine is causing the seizure or is it the other way around?  Let’s try to understand occipital migraines a little better.

Symptoms of Occipital Migraines

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and migraines download our complimentary e-book Natural and Drug-Free Ways to End Your Migraines by clicking the image below.

Finding Help for Migraines in Honolulu, Hawaii

Whenever one is suffering from migraines, with or without a seizure, it is a good idea to seek the care of an upper cervical chiropractor. This is an important step in finding out if an upper cervical misalignment might be the underlying cause of the migraines.

One thing that differs between an occipital migraine and an epileptic migraine is that an aura is often present with an epileptic migraine. This is caused by an abnormal response in the muscles to an electrical signal sent by the brain. This may occur because of a misalignment of one of the upper bones of the neck. This type of misalignment can result in irritation to the brainstem.

Here at Upper Cervical Hawaii, we use a gentle method to help restore proper alignment to these bones and correct the problem in communication. We do not have to resort to popping or cracking the spine as in general chiropractic. Instead, we use a gentle adjustment method. Once corrected, proper signals can begin to be sent once again. The body can then begin to work at its optimum, and this may result in a decrease in seizures and migraines.


To schedule a consultation call 808-201-1324 or simply click the button below. If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.
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