Silent Migraines: The Painless and Puzzling Side of Migraines

Migraines are often synonymous with debilitating headaches. But did you know that migraines can occur without any pain at all?  These are called "silent migraines," and they can be just as disruptive as their painful counterparts. In this blog post, we'll delve into the world of silent migraines, exploring their symptoms, causes, and the potential [...]

2024-03-25T04:52:47+00:00March 24th, 2024|Migraines|

Chiropractor in Honolulu Explains Pinched Nerve, Headaches and Neck Pain

Headaches and neck pain caused by a compressed nerve can be frustrating to deal with, especially when they keep coming back. Discover how you can manage both health concerns as our Chiropractor in Honolulu explains their connection with Upper Cervical spine misalignments. Upper Cervical Hawaii is ready to provide you with the care you need [...]

2023-04-18T05:04:34+00:00April 16th, 2023|Pinched Nerve|

7 Facts About Silent Migraines According to a Honolulu Upper Cervical Chiropractor

Have you ever heard of silent migraines? It’s a condition that’s difficult to diagnose due to the absence of classic migraine symptoms. However, it is no different from a classic migraine, as it can still be debilitating without head pain. A Honolulu Upper Cervical Chiropractor can also help you deal with migraine through safe and [...]

2022-10-25T09:07:50+00:00September 14th, 2020|Head Pain, Headaches, Migraines|

Migraines: Which Type Of Care Gives The Best Results?

Every Honolulu migraine chiropractor uses a non-invasive technique developed more than four decades ago to give patients migraine relief. Migraines are very incapacitating to individuals who have them. New studies are digging more into the foundation of migraine pain. It is easier than ever to examine and understand how the nervous system and brain work.  [...]

2023-10-26T13:40:54+00:00May 10th, 2020|Migraines|

11 Questions to Ask to Identify Migraines

Do you experience recurring headaches but aren’t sure whether its a plain headache or a migraine? To help you out, we have eleven questions you should ask yourself to find out if you’re having a migraine. Although some may seem vague, knowing the answers to these questions may help clear up some confusion regarding your [...]

2023-10-26T13:44:28+00:00August 11th, 2019|Migraines|

10 Facts About Men and Migraines

Migraines involve not only intense head pain, but also nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to sound, light, and noise, and visual disturbances. These episodes could last 4 hours and up to 3 days and take just as long to recover from. Women are far more likely to get migraines, at a statistic of 3 times more often [...]

2023-10-26T13:48:22+00:00November 4th, 2018|Headaches, Migraines|

Managing Migraines at Upper Cervical Hawaii in Honolulu

Anyone who suffers from migraines or knows someone who does can testify as to just how miserable they are to cope with. As many as 39 million American men, women, and children have migraines and as many as 1 billion globally suffer. Here are some interesting facts about migraines you may not be aware of: [...]

2023-10-26T13:53:16+00:00February 4th, 2018|Headaches, Migraines|

Migraines Linked to Nervous System Function in Honolulu, HI

Migraines are difficult enough to deal with, but a new study suggests those who suffer from them may also be at a higher risk to have a stroke if their migraines are preceded by visual disturbances or an aura. The American Stroke Association’s annual meeting in 2016 reported on this finding. It was also found [...]

2023-10-26T13:58:30+00:00August 13th, 2017|Headaches, Migraines|

Children Get Migraines Too!

It may be surprising to learn that children suffer from severe migraines, as well as adults. As much as 10% of children over the age of 10 have migraines, while under age 10, about 5% suffer migraines. Neurologists in the pediatric field acknowledge that migraines in young ones happen more often than the majority of [...]

2023-10-26T13:58:11+00:00June 25th, 2017|Headaches, Migraines, Uncategorized|

Finding Help When Seizures Occur Alongside Migraines

When one has a seizure and a migraine in close proximity to each other they are generally categorized in one of two ways – migralepsy or occipital migraines. The symptoms of both of these are very much the same, making it hard to know whether a migraine is causing the seizure or is it the [...]

2023-10-26T14:04:21+00:00May 12th, 2017|Migraines|

Migraine 101 for Women in Honolulu

You may be surprised to hear that about three times as many women as men are affected by migraines as adults.  Over the course of one month, 25% of these women will experience 4 or more severe attacks.  If you’ve ever had a migraine, you’ll know that it can take you out of commission for [...]

2023-10-26T14:09:11+00:00April 18th, 2017|Migraines|

When a Migraine Is Actually a Mixed Tension Headache

The pain of a migraine is extremely debilitating. It may sound a little strange, but a person can actually have another headache in addition to a migraine at the same time. These are sometimes referred to as mixed tension headaches, transformed migraines, or chronic migraines. No matter what the name is, the pain is horrible, [...]

2023-10-26T14:09:38+00:00March 24th, 2017|Head Pain, Headaches, Migraines|

Chronic Headaches Can Lead to Loss of Tissue in the Brain

Chronic headaches are seen in 3 to 5% of the population around the globe. This means that these people have a headache for more than 15 days out of a 30-day period. Recent research has revealed that people in this situation may actually be losing brain tissue. Types of Chronic Headaches There are a number [...]

2023-10-26T14:13:51+00:00February 12th, 2017|Migraines|

Are Healthy Fats the Answer to Migraine Pain in Honolulu, HI?

Migraines seem to be a common condition in today’s world. As much as 12% of those living in the USA suffer from some sort of migraine issue. Migraines affect more women than men. Migraine Management The answer from the medical community to help patients cope with migraines is a prescription of one kind of another [...]

2023-10-26T14:21:35+00:00December 25th, 2016|Headaches|

Finding Answers for the Pain of Migraines

Once a person has experienced a migraine, the greatest dread may become not knowing when the next one will strike. Some have migraines so often that they live in fear of when the next one may occur, resulting in added stress and anxiety.  Not only is pain an issue with migraine sufferers, it often disrupts [...]

2023-10-26T14:21:29+00:00November 11th, 2016|Migraines|
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