Upper Cervical Hawaii

How to Tackle Sleep Difficulty if You Have Fibromyalgia

Every Honololu fibromyalgia chiropractor offers natural pain relief to patients in need. Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition. In other words, once its symptoms develop, they occur regularly. People with fibromyalgia may suffer from the following:

Most fibromyalgia patients report that one of the most challenging obstacles they have to overcome is the issue of not getting enough quality sleep regularly. Failure to sleep well each night presents severe health problems the next day. Often it would lead to worsening pain, extreme fatigue, memory issues, irritability, and more.


How Can You Get Better Sleep with Fibromyalgia?

Try doing some relaxing meditation in a couple of hours leading up to your bedtime. Also, consider taking a warm bath, or sip a cup of herbal tea, preferably a non-caffeinated one. 

A regular and consistent bedtime routine and waking time can help you maintain a steady circadian rhythm. Maintaining a steady schedule can help control your feelings of drowsiness and keep your energy levels.

Not watching TV or using smartphones or other gadgets a few hours before bedtime can help prepare your brain that it’s almost bedtime. The light from your TV screen or computer can disturb the circadian rhythm and limit the level of melatonin, a hormone needed for good sleep.

Eating a lot before bedtime can cause acid reflux and other digestive problems. Also, too much drinking can make you get up often to go to the bathroom several times at night. Thus, it can interrupt your sleep.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and fibromyalgia download our complimentary e-book Simple and Extremely Effective Ways to End Fibromyalgia Symptoms without Drugs by clicking the image below

A quiet and serene sleeping environment will help you get the rest you need. Try to avoid warmer temperatures in your bedroom because it may not help you get a restful night of sleep.

If you can’t get natural sunlight in the morning, try using lamps designed to copy natural lighting. It can help your body adjust as you wake up. Therefore, getting enough natural lighting (sunlight) within the first hour of waking up can help maintain your regular sleep cycle.

Making sure your bedroom is conducive to sleeping is a high priority. There may be various sources of light in your bedroom that can disrupt your sleep. Avoid them or keep them at a minimum. Cover up your bright alarm clocks or smartphones (if you use this as an alarm clock) before your sleep. Or you can position these things where they cannot disturb you while you sleep. Also, cover your windows with curtains to avoid outside lighting from bothering you.

If you have a hard time sleeping well at night, make sure your bed does not contribute to the problem. A person needs about 7 to 9 hours of sleep at night. If those hours have interruptions in-between or uncomfortable, the quality of sleep will be problematic.

Exercises are excellent for everybody. However, for people with fibromyalgia, it can be a real challenge. Therefore, only gentle exercises would be enough for them. Low impact exercises include:

Gentle movement is good to incorporate into your daily routine. Even light exercises can help stabilize your body’s natural circadian rhythm. Thus, it can also help to encourage a healthy sleeping habit.

Your hormone production, sleep cycle, and all of your body’s other systems depend on signals that travel between your body, brain, and over your nerves. If these signals become disturbed due to pressure or irritation on the nerves, it can significantly decrease your body’s ability to properly coordinate those functions. Upper cervical chiropractic takes care of the upper spine, which has an essential influence on the central nervous system function. A Honololu fibromyalgia chiropractor provides this form of care.


The Central Nervous System & Fibromyalgia—What’s Their Link?

The brain, brainstem, and spinal cord are crucial components of the central nervous system (CNS). These structures are essential to our overall wellbeing and function. Thus, they are all protected entirely by bones. The skull protects the brain, the vertebrae of the spine column encases the entire spinal cord, and the C1 (atlas) and C2 (axis) vertebrae cover the brainstem. This secure layer of bony protection ensures that the CNS tissues are free from damage and irritation.

The brainstem manages and coordinates several of the body’s life-sustaining functions. It includes cardiovascular function and respiration. It also acts as a switchboard for all the messages or signals that travel between the brain and body. Further, it is responsible for carrying information concerning sleep cycle regulation, muscle tension, and pain.

However, if any of the C1 and C2 bones misalign, it prevents the nervous system from communicating correctly. In several fibromyalgia cases, this is the underlying cause of the problem. If this misalignment remains untreated, it may even cause further health issues to appear. It explains why most fibromyalgia patients experience worsening health issues. A Honololu fibromyalgia chiropractor knows how to correct atlas misalignments in the upper neck.


Upper Cervical Care for Fibromyalgia Management

Through the years, fibromyalgia patients are concerned with the long-term effects of regular medication use. They also need more than just symptomatic solutions. Most of them wish for natural and lasting pain relief from their fibromyalgia symptoms. 

One of the primary goals of ever Honololu fibromyalgia chiropractor practicing upper cervical chiropractic is to restore the optimum performance of the nervous system function. When there is proper spinal alignment, the body’s natural healing ability kicks in and allows the nervous system to function at its best. As mentioned earlier, if a misalignment in the atlas or axis vertebrae happens, it can alter the brain and body signals. Thus, it would lead to the development of fatigue, pain, and several other fibromyalgia symptoms. 

Upper Cervical Hawaii in Honolulu takes an approach specifically customized to the patient’s needs. We provide a non-invasive, safe, effective, and tailored technique for correcting misalignments in the upper cervical spine. Our method is exact and very gentle. Even fibromyalgia patients will barely feel the adjustment. Upper cervical care allows your body to heal naturally, which is why many of our patients delightfully report a significant reduction of pain or even a complete resolution of their fibromyalgia symptoms.

Call us at 808-201-1324 or reach us online to set an appointment with our Honolulu fibromyalgia chiropractor.


To schedule a consultation call 808-201-1324 or simply click the button below. If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.
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