Upper Cervical Hawaii

Silent Migraines: The Painless and Puzzling Side of Migraines

silent migraine, Honolulu HI Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care, Honolulu HI Upper Cervical Chiropractic, migraine relief in Honolulu

Migraines are often synonymous with debilitating headaches. But did you know that migraines can occur without any pain at all?  These are called “silent migraines,” and they can be just as disruptive as their painful counterparts. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the world of silent migraines, exploring their symptoms, causes, and the potential role of Honolulu HI Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care in helping you unlock relief.


Understanding the 4 Migraine Phases

Before we dive into silent migraines, let’s understand the typical phases of a migraine attack:

Silent migraines are essentially attacks where you experience some or all of these  phases *without* the headache phase.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and migraines download our complimentary e-book Natural and Drug-Free Ways to End Your Migraines by clicking the image below.

Silent Migraine Symptoms: What to Look For

If you’re not experiencing a headache, how do you know if you’re having a silent migraine? Here are some common symptoms:


Triggers and Causes of Silent Migraines

Silent migraines can be triggered by the same factors as regular migraines, including stress, hormonal changes, certain foods, bright lights, and weather changes.  The underlying cause, however, is believed to be related to abnormal electrical activity in the brain and central nervous system.


The Role of Honolulu HI Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care

Honolulu HI Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care focuses on a potential link between migraines and misalignments in the upper neck. These misalignments can disrupt the delicate balance of the central nervous system, as well as blood and cerebrospinal fluid flow, potentially contributing to migraines with or without headaches. The imbalance in the upper cervical spine can also trigger a plethora of other concerns ranging from vertigo to pinch nerve pain.

Honolulu HI Upper Cervical Chiropractic doctors like Dr. Breuwet uses precise, gentle adjustments to restore normal alignment in this area. This can improve communication between the brain and body, potentially reducing or even eliminating migraine symptoms.

Finding Natural Migraine Relief in Honolulu is Possible! 

If you suspect you might be experiencing silent migraines, it’s important to consult with Dr. Breuwet to determine if an atlas adjustment might help you alleviate your discomfort. After all, gentle chiropractic adjustments are known to provide natural migraine relief in Honolulu, especially among individuals with a history of neck and head trauma or have noticeable changes in their posture over the years. 

It’s quite possible that your symptoms may be your body’s way of communicating that about the imbalance in your upper cervical spine. So, we encourage you to book a consultation, so we can run our tests, check your medical history and find out if your atlas bone needs adjustment.


To schedule a consultation call 808-201-1324 or simply click the button below. If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.
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