Upper Cervical Hawaii

Sleep Tips For Fibromyalgia Sufferers In Honolulu

Most people who have fibromyalgia share a common complaint: difficulty getting a restful night of sleep.  Fibromyalgia sufferers can wake up in the morning, and no matter how much they’ve slept, they may not feel at all refreshed.  There are several things you can try in order to improve the quality of your sleep, which will hopefully help you to manage your condition a little better.

How to Sleep Better When You Have Fibromyalgia

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and fibromyalgia download our complimentary e-book Simple and Extremely Effective Ways to End Fibromyalgia Symptoms without Drugs by clicking the image below

Natural Fibromyalgia Relief

As you might know, sleep troubles are only one component of fibromyalgia.  Usually, the widespread pain is the number one concern for fibromyalgia sufferers, and the lack of quality sleep just amplifies this problem.  Many people with fibromyalgia are finding natural and lasting relief with upper cervical chiropractic care, which is a specialty within the greater chiropractic profession.  We focus on how the uppermost vertebrae in your spine are aligned, and how those specific misalignments can be hindering normal brain-body communication over the nervous system.  If these misalignments affect pain signaling, it could be the root cause of a person’s fibromyalgia symptoms.

Upper cervical chiropractic care is a gentle and effective way of restoring your body’s ability to function and heal.  By removing the interference to the brain-body communication system, people are able to heal from their condition naturally, without the need for long-term medication use or therapies.





To schedule a consultation call 808-201-1324 or simply click the button below. If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.
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