Dizziness in Children in Honolulu, HI

Vertigo and dizziness are not commonly associated with children; however, it is more prevalent than most think. According to the NIH, over 1 in 20 children in the United States have experienced balance issues or dizziness. (1) When these symptoms present in children, it is essential to determine their cause. Causes of Dizziness in Children [...]

2023-10-26T14:52:42+00:00March 28th, 2016|Children, Dizzy, Kids, Ménière's disease, Vertigo|

Migraines: Long-term, Natural Relief In Honolulu

For anyone who has endured a migraine attack, you know how debilitating it can be.  For some, an episode can have effects that linger for days, even after the pain in the head subsides.  If you’ve been in this boat before, you’re not alone.  Over 37 million people in the U.S. suffer from migraines, and [...]

2023-10-26T14:52:41+00:00March 14th, 2016|Head Pain, Headaches, Migraines|

Fibromyalgia: Searching for the Underlying Cause

Central Sensitization: The Cause of Fibromyalgia There are many theories, but recent studies are honing in on central sensitization, a phenomenon that has been linked to whiplash injuries. What is central sensitization? It has to do with the way the body feels pain. Specifically, the way the brain reacts to specific stimuli. When a person [...]

2023-10-26T14:52:49+00:00March 7th, 2016|Always Tired, CFS, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia|

Vertigo Sources in Honolulu

The onset of a vertigo attack can be incredibly stressful. Often, symptoms can come on with no apparent cause. It is important to understand the potential sources of episodes. They include the following: Likely Causes of Vertigo Head injuries – car accidents, concussions, other traumas Heart disease High blood pressure Recent ear infection Certain medications [...]

2023-10-26T14:52:43+00:00February 29th, 2016|Dizziness, Dizzy, Ménière's disease, Vertigo|

Understanding Migraine Triggers in Honolulu

What Triggers Migraines? For the 38 million people across the United States that suffer from migraines, figuring out what triggers them is important.  Common triggers are often thought to be red wine, cheeses, coffee, and chocolate.  Migraine sufferers are encouraged to keep a diary that records their daily food intake, as well as other possible [...]

2023-10-26T14:57:46+00:00February 15th, 2016|Head Pain, Headaches, Migraines, Triggers|

Brain Fog and Fibromyalgia – A Natural Solution

Most people associate fibromyalgia with pain alone. However, sometimes the most debilitating symptoms are the cognitive ones which can include Confusion Disorientation Forgetfulness These symptoms are collectively referred to as brain fog (and sometimes as fibro fog when specifically referring to a fibromyalgia patient). Other Symptoms of Fibromyalgia Besides pain and brain fog, patients also [...]

2023-10-26T14:58:35+00:00February 8th, 2016|Always Tired, CFS, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia|

Migraines in Children

As an adult, if you’ve ever experienced a migraine, you’re quite aware how debilitating they can be.  The severe pain, nausea, and sensitivity to light and sound all add up to a very unpleasant experience to say the least.  Adults are able to recognize and communicate the signs of a migraine, but what happens when [...]

2023-10-26T14:58:03+00:00February 1st, 2016|Children, Headaches, Kids, Migraines|

Meniere’s Disease Relief in Honolulu, HI

Meniere's disease can cause you to not be able to carry out your daily activities. The dizziness alone can rob you of your day. Meniere's disease differs from traditional vertigo. It has 3 components: Severe vertigo Hearing loss (typically lower frequencies) Ringing in the ear (known as tinnitus) How Long Does an Attack of Meniere's [...]

2023-10-26T14:59:57+00:00January 18th, 2016|Vertigo|

Fighting Migraines in Honolulu Hawaii

Migraines are one of the most debilitating health conditions. When someone suffers from this neurological condition, trying to alleviate pain is usually the top priority. Unfortunately, most relief care that are focused on pain relief do not address the underlying cause of migraines. Migraine Medication Provides Temporary Relief What types of medication are provided to [...]

2023-10-26T14:58:31+00:00January 11th, 2016|Head Pain, Headaches, Migraines|

Treatment for Fibromyalgia in Honolulu, Hawaii

Fibromyalgia may affect a much as 7% of the US population. The majority of patients with fibromyalgia are female. While some debate whether or not the condition even exists, the symptoms that identify fibromyalgia are very real. These symptoms include: Perpetual full-body pain Sleep problems Fatigue Brain fog IBS and bladder issues Headaches   What [...]

2023-10-26T14:59:53+00:00December 28th, 2015|Always Tired, CFS, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia|

Vertigo Relief in Honolulu

Vertigo sufferers know firsthand how an attack can ruin everyday life. It can be incredibly difficult to finish household tasks, stay focused at work, or even walk. Chronic vertigo can create frustration among patients due to the difficulty of finding its underlying cause. (1) Balance relies on three inputs (2): Your eyes Your inner ears [...]

2023-10-26T15:02:31+00:00December 14th, 2015|Vertigo|

Migraines and Your Nervous System

A recent article in the Scientific American details some history of migraines.  Interestingly, President Thomas Jefferson was among those afflicted.  During his second term in office, President Jefferson had a migraine every afternoon.  Imagine what this did to his ability to make the important decisions about running our country. Migraines: A Common Neurological Condition The [...]

2023-10-26T15:02:51+00:00December 7th, 2015|Head Pain, Headaches, Migraines|

Real Treatment for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in Honolulu

Many who experience conditions like chronic fatigue syndrome also deal with frustration. This is because it is difficult to obtain a diagnosis, treatment options are limited, and even close friends and family often find it tough to understand the condition. We are going to take a moment to look more closely at chronic fatigue and [...]

2023-10-26T15:03:04+00:00November 30th, 2015|Accident, CFS, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia|

Dizziness, Vertigo, and Your Neck?

Does your vertigo affect your life? Over 35% of American adults over age 40 reported having some form of dizziness. (1) It can be frustrating to describe your symptoms to your family and friends. Dizziness has many different causes. There are 3 body parts that contribute to proper balance: Inner ear/brain structure Eyes Information from [...]

2023-10-26T15:09:22+00:00November 16th, 2015|Vertigo|

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – A Simple Solution for a Complex Issue

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a complicated disorder.  The cause remains poorly understood even though there are many theories, and the extreme fatigue that people experience is not relieved with rest.  There is no single test that can be used to confirm the diagnosis. In fact, a variety of medical tests are usually necessary in order [...]

2023-10-26T15:07:58+00:00November 9th, 2015|Always Tired, CFS, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia|
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