Upper Cervical Hawaii

Brain Fog and Fibromyalgia – A Natural Solution

Most people associate fibromyalgia with pain alone. However, sometimes the most debilitating symptoms are the cognitive ones which can include

These symptoms are collectively referred to as brain fog (and sometimes as fibro fog when specifically referring to a fibromyalgia patient).

Other Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

Besides pain and brain fog, patients also often experience symptoms such as sleep problems and fatigue. One suggestion for the cause of these problems, especially the cognitive symptoms, is that not enough blood is getting to the brain due to blood flow issues.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and fibromyalgia download our complimentary e-book Simple and Extremely Effective Ways to End Fibromyalgia Symptoms without Drugs by clicking the image below

Suggestions for Fibromyalgia Patients

If you experience brain fog, you may have already heard some of these suggestions from a healthcare provider.


How Upper Cervical Chiropractic Can Help

Upper cervical chiropractors look to the neck to discover the root cause of fibromyalgia symptoms. A misalignment of the top vertebrae in the neck, the atlas, can restrict proper blood flow. By correcting the misalignment, proper blood flow to the brain can be restored. This often results in reduction or resolution of symptoms. Also, since upper cervical chiropractic does not involve the use of medication, this is a natural relief with no drugs or side effects.


Fibromyalgia Center – Everyday Health. 11 ways to beat ‘fibro fog’. https://www.everydayhealth.com/fibromyalgia/11-ways-to-beat-fibro-fog.aspx (accessed 19 June 2015).

National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases. Questions and answers about fibromyalgia. https://www.niams.nih.gov/health_info/fibromyalgia/#b (accessed 19 June 2015).


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