Upper Cervical Hawaii

Natural Relief from Fibromyalgia in Honolulu HI

Fibromyalgia is physically and psychologically distressing, as you know if you suffer from it. Its origin is unknown, and its development is very much a mystery among those in the medical field. What are some symptoms that sufferers experience?

Signs of Fibromyalgia

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and fibromyalgia download our complimentary e-book Simple and Extremely Effective Ways to End Fibromyalgia Symptoms without Drugs by clicking the image below And these are only a few of the many symptoms experienced by the over 5 million people who suffer with it.

When do symptoms appear? Sometimes the first occurrence is after a significant traumatic event, such as surgery, infection, psychological stress or physical trauma. In other cases, the symptoms may appear and gradually increase over time with no known triggering event. Researchers believe that, while they have not found an actual cause, there is some relation to the way the brain processes information and then seems to amplify it in fibromyalgia sufferers.

Sadly, there is also no known cure. Medications are prescribed and used mainly to control the symptoms and make them tolerable. Some have tried relaxation techniques, meditation and exercise, finding a measure of relief in these methods.


Natural Method to Manage Fibromyalgia

However, there is another natural method that is proving to be effective. Upper cervical chiropractor, Dr. Joe Breuwet of Honolulu, Hawaii is specially trained to detect misalignments in the C1 and C2 vertebrae. This is the area that protects the brainstem. These two small bones are unique in that they protect the area that controls brain and nervous system function. If a subluxation, or misalignment, occurs here, it can cause a blockage of communication between the brain and body through the nervous system. Through research, we now have hope that even those who have suffered from fibromyalgia for decades can find great improvement in their quality of life and some sense of relief through upper cervical specific chiropractic care.


To schedule a consultation call 808-201-1324 or simply click the button below. If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.
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