Migraines, Headaches, Migraine, Headache, Head PainWhat Triggers Migraines?

For the 38 million people across the United States that suffer from migraines, figuring out what triggers them is important.  Common triggers are often thought to be red wine, cheeses, coffee, and chocolate.  Migraine sufferers are encouraged to keep a diary that records their daily food intake, as well as other possible factors such as stress levels, weather conditions, and others.

A new report detailing a recent study conducted by the National Headache Foundation of 150 migraine sufferers indicates that these commonly referenced triggers may not be to blame in many cases.  Caffeine, present in both chocolate and coffee, caused attacks in only 3 people in the study, but it actually prevented migraines in 32.  In fact, onions, which are not often thought of to be a trigger brought about a migraine in 14 people in the study.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and migraines download our complimentary e-book Natural and Drug-Free Ways to End Your Migraines by clicking the image below. Honolulu migraine specialist

The Nervous System and Migraines

It is still not completely understood why certain foods trigger migraines or why they can act as a trigger in some but protect others.  The connection may actually lie within the nervous system and the way your nerves are able to communicate effective messages travelling to and from the brain.  At Upper Cervical Hawaii, this is something we see all the time in our patients who have found us because they were suffering from migraines.

In my practice, I am looking for a specific misalignment of the uppermost vertebra in the neck, the atlas.  When the atlas is misaligned, undue pressure is placed on the brainstem and spinal cord.  This can distort the messages that travel between the brain and body, reduce the body’s ability to function normally, and can contribute to the onset of migraines.  By realigning the atlas, the pressure in the spinal cord and brainstem is reduced.  This allows for normal nerve messages to travel between the brain and body via the brainstem, and can contribute to the reduction of migraine symptoms.  All of this is accomplished with a gentle adjustment and without the need for medications or more invasive relief options.





To schedule a consultation call 808-201-1324 or simply click the button below. If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.